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Robert Harold Amiro                                                                                                                   

February 19, 1944 - September 30, 2021

Bob "Mr. Paddelcraft" Amiro, a member of Flotilla 4-1, was the premier Paddlesports expert for the USCG Auxiliary's First Northern District. Bob's many classes exposed students of all ages to all aspects of  kayaking, canoeing and paddleboarding. Safety equipment, trip planning, navigation, cold water survival and a wealth of practical experience in our local waters were the core of Bob's classes.  He logged between 1,500 and 2.000 houirs each year in Auxiliary paddlecraft activity.
In addition to his training activities, Bob held leadership positions, including Flotilla 4-1 Commander and Division 4 Commander. He earned seven commendations and 33 service awards. Of greatest importance, however, was the impact of his efforts. Bob epitomized the Auxiliary's slogan of "America's Volunteer Lifesavers." When Bob assumed the leadership of the Auxiliary's fledgling paddlesports initiative in 2016, we had 24 fatalities in our District from kayak, canoe and paddleboard accidents. In 2021, this number was reduced to just 8, a 300% decrease in fatalities in only 5 years. We owe these lives saved in great part to Bob's tireless efforts across New England to educate the public on paddlecraft safety.

 Bob Amiro members traning and Paddel Smart Instructor

 Operation Paddle Smart Logo







When paddling, remember: Always wear your Life Jacket! Let someone know where you are going! Label your vessel and equipment! Tether important items and equipment! Paddle with a friend!

Here are some useful links: 

United States Paddle Safety Course | (

American Canoe Association | Canoe, Kayak, SUP, Raft, Rescue

Paddle eMagazine - ACA | Canoe - Kayak - SUP - Raft - Rescue (

Paddlecraft Safety & AUXPAD (